Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Finally got rid of some little enemies!

Yesterday was a day I had been counting down to for quite a while.  I finally had 7 pilar cysts removed!  Briefly, they're cysts that form on one's scalp.  If you want the gory details, check out the Wikipedia entry.

A couple of them were quite big and really had to go, but I was just too chicken to get them removed sooner.  Then, around this time last year I went to get referred to a plastic surgeon.  It was only done yesterday after all that time because there was a mix-up with my referral, and then I got a little lazy and didn't follow up until a couple months ago.  After that, though, everything happened pretty quickly, and everyone in the office were so nice and professional, so how could I be mad, really?

Now it's over with, and once the pain from the dozens of staples in my scalp goes away (and they get taken out), I can sleep on my back without anything getting in the way, and I don't need to be embarrassed to go to the hairdresser anymore!

Still, I really wish I could wash my hair right now.

And if you think having 7 of them taken out at once is a lot, consider this:  the doctor told me the record he had was 52!  That's pretty gross.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Hot Yoga!

For the past week or so I've been going to hot yoga.  I never thought I'd be able to do something like that, but I'm not against trying something new.

After going the first few times, I'm still not sure I'm able to do something like that, but it is pretty good.  I've never sweat so much in my life!  I always seem to get stuck close to the humidifier so that makes me sweat double!

I am not very flexible, though, my balance isn't that great, and on top of that I have to do this before I can have any supper, so it's like 90 minutes of torture, but I think it's worth it.  The bad part is that it's so expensive.  I'm on a $40 unlimited for the a month kind of deal, but after that, it's like $175 a month.  You must be joking!

Maybe after it's over, I'll take my sister boxing...she says she'd like to try that.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

So I've set a little goal.

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a bit of a LEGO freak, so what I've decided to do is to reward myself with some for losing some poundage.

I say when I drop about 8-10 pounds (trying to get to a certain weight, not losing a certain amount of pounds), then I will purchase the following Green Grocer set:
I have a few of the larger, modular house sets like this, but not this one yet.  It's the cheapest one out of the two I don't have so I'll go with this.  If something drastic happens, then I may go for the other one later!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Coding the Glucose Meter

You know what's funny?  Every time I go to buy a box of test strips at the drug store, the pharmacist reminds me that I have to code my meter to make sure it matches the number on the strip bottle.  This is done to compensate for the variations in the amount of chemicals in each batch of strips.

That's great, except that the number on the strips has been the same for at least the past six months or more, no matter which location I get them from.  I used to look forward (like the nerd I am) to changing the number with a new box of test strips.  It's kind of like the lottery.  The codes for my brand go from 1 to 39 (or is it 45?  One or the other.) but it's been stuck at 25 for the longest time.

I never get to have ANY fun anymore, even the small things! 
I DO realize I need a life, yes.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

10 Years!

So today is the 10th anniversary of my diagnosis with diabetes.  I can't say it's been a rough ride.  I got used to it pretty quickly and it never really gave me any major problems.  I've also never used it as a cop-out for anything, blamed it for anything, or blamed anything for it, even though some people think I do.

I could have been a little more vigilant with my diet and exercising, but on the whole I am still pretty healthy, and hope for at least 10 more years!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Remember your stuff!

Last night at the gym there were a couple forgetful ladies in the change room

On my way in, there was a lady frantically opening all the lockers, because she couldn't remember where she put her stuff.  I think that was just dumb because she should have had a lock.  One, it would keep her stuff safe, and two, it's something she can use to distinguish her locker from the others  A lot of people do leave their things without a lock, and I haven't seen anyone taking what wasn't theirs, but a lock is always extra security.  Anyway, I left her that way when I went to work out, and I didn't see her after, so I can assume she found her things.  Hopefully.

Getting back from working out, there was a trio of girls getting ready for their exercise, but two of them (two!) forgot their running shoes!  They were deciding whether they could work out in flats as I left.  I dunno, if it were me, I would just go home.  It takes me 10-15 minutes to get to my gym by car, and that's long enough.  If I had to go back and forth to get my shoes, I wouldn't even bother.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Seriously jeopardizing any chance of losing weight here...

When I learned that Walmart has their own Great Value gourmet jelly beans, and that they're Jelly Belly-quality, perhaps even better, I had to buy myself a bag.  Okay I've been taking it somewhat easy on them, but having them in the first place is BAD BAD BAD.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Dose of reality for the day.

No, it isn't the shirt that makes you look fat.

It's your fat that makes you look fat.

Monday, 1 February 2010

I wish someone told me...

...that there was a deli shop at my gym, because for some strange reason, I always smell cold-cuts when I'm there.  Salami in particular.

Either that, or people shouldn't eat salami before they go to the gym.

Monday, 25 January 2010

No More Terra Chips :-(

It has been a few months since I partook in my favourite chips ever, Terra Chips.  I gave them up in November because I really needed give myself a break, but then when I went to get another bag sometime in December, I noticed that none of the Shoppers Drug Marts in my area were carrying them anymore, and that's the only place I've seen them sold.  I still look for them everytime I go in there, just in case, but they just might be gone for good.

It's all for the best, I suppose.  My cousin's wedding is coming up pretty soon, and I'm going to have to fit into that bridesmaid dress.  I had a bit of a drought with going to the gym again, but I've started up again and should make some attempt at sticking too it.  I've also been laying off junk food in general for the most part lately.  Sitting on my office-butt for 8 hours a day  doesn't help much though.

UPDATE:  I found them at "Almost Perfect", a food store near my place that sells food that was overstocked and factory seconds.  They sell for much cheaper, too.  I bought a few bags, but sometimes at that store, when things are done they're done.