Monday, 22 July 2013

Updates Galore!

So, where do I start? I guess I can start by saying I smashed by previous plank record and made it to 5:00! I don't know if I can repeat that often, depending on how I'm feeling, and my back did start to hurt near the end, but I made it! Now to beat THAT!

 Next up, monthly visitor. Last time she came around was in March sometime, and wasn't seen since, until this past weekend. I can't say I was glad to see her come back, but I suppose something was wrong if it wasn't happening. My trainer (and all the research I did) said that it was probably because I work out too much. Oh well, she's been generally well-behaved so far, so I won't complain.

On to the next topic, which is that I've had to go back to my original gym location. It turns out I don't have access to all the clubs in my area after all. I was getting in fine until one day they stopped me and told me I shouldn't be able to get it. That's fine, since they've improved the old gym by getting new dumbells and machines, and I kind of liked the atmosphere there better anyway. I will STILL try to transfer to the new one across the street from me when it opens. They've started work on the inside now, so hopefully it won't be long.

Now, just a mini rant about how white hairs are tough buggers. I shed. A LOT. But I do notice that the few white hairs I do have already are always there. Why can't THOSE fall out instead?

Okay, that's it for now. Until next time!