Wednesday, 18 February 2009

I'm a damned fool

Yesterday I bought a new box of insulin. I put it in the fridge at work. I leave it in the fridge at work. It was supposed to come home with me.

I was lucky I had just enough to get me through dinner and breakfast this morning. Hopefully I don't forget it here again tonight. Someone remind me!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Crystal Light

So I've taken to drinking those Crystal Light Singles that you mix into a 500 mL water bottle, and they're great. I used to drink that stuff a lot when I was first diagnosed, but it isn't convenient to carry around a 2L bottle wherever you go, so I'm glad they make singles.

All I ask is that they make it so it doesn't stain my mouth red so that I look like a little caker kid whose parents forgot what a napkin is in their old age.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Well, that confirms it...

I was right about my cousin asking me to be her bridesmaid. That means getting hopping on some weight loss.

The easiest thing to do right now is to cut out the crap in my diet. Oh sure, we all say that, and we all cave. Thing is, I've done it before. I was a pro-star for about a year, not eating any junk food. I would imagine that it would poison my blood, make it goopy and chunky. Gross, I know, but it worked. I also went to the gym during this period, so I did lose some weight. It feels good being told you've lost weight too. Nowadays when people tell me I've lost weight, it's on days I'm wearing Spanx!

I just have to re-adopt this mentality. It's good for my heart and my diabetes. And if I have to snack, or if the blood sugar is low and I really need to eat something, I need to choose something smart. It can be done, and now I have a reason. Not that being healthy isn't reason enough, but a girl with almost zero willpower needs some extra incentive.

Let's see how far my good intentions can take me this time.

Friday, 6 February 2009


Just because I don't' want to neglect this blog before I really get into using it, I thought I'd explain the name I gave it.

The Islets of Langerhans is the area in the pancreas where hormones are produced, insulin being the hormone of interest for this blog. Therefore, Bloggerhans is a play on that, since I'm going to be blogging about my faulty pancreas. Aren't I clever.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Oh Hai

I haven't been to the gym since maybe November of 2007. This is ridiculous. I am going to go back. I really am.

My cousin's getting married, and I think she's going to ask me to be one of her bridesmaids, so if I want to look half-decent in a bridesmaid dress and not mar her wedding pictures, I'd better shed some pounds.

Also, I'm thinking I should go on an insulin pump, as my endocrinologist keeps bugging me to do. He says I'm a perfect candidate since I track my blood sugars so well and try to keep generally healthy.

This blog will hopefully help me keep track of the progress in both these areas.