Monday, 9 February 2009

Well, that confirms it...

I was right about my cousin asking me to be her bridesmaid. That means getting hopping on some weight loss.

The easiest thing to do right now is to cut out the crap in my diet. Oh sure, we all say that, and we all cave. Thing is, I've done it before. I was a pro-star for about a year, not eating any junk food. I would imagine that it would poison my blood, make it goopy and chunky. Gross, I know, but it worked. I also went to the gym during this period, so I did lose some weight. It feels good being told you've lost weight too. Nowadays when people tell me I've lost weight, it's on days I'm wearing Spanx!

I just have to re-adopt this mentality. It's good for my heart and my diabetes. And if I have to snack, or if the blood sugar is low and I really need to eat something, I need to choose something smart. It can be done, and now I have a reason. Not that being healthy isn't reason enough, but a girl with almost zero willpower needs some extra incentive.

Let's see how far my good intentions can take me this time.

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