Saturday, 18 February 2012

Counter-Productive Much?

The protein shake bar at my gym closed a while ago, and to replace it they've (finally) opened up a cafe/snack-bar type deal.  That's great, because I am sure some people will want to have some real food options rather than just a shake before or after a work out.

They've only been open a few days, so I am sure you'll forgive me when I say I haven't had the time to inspect their wares.  However, tonight as I passed by after a pretty decent cardio workout, I notice, sitting on one of those crystal cake pedestals, a bunch of donuts.  I'm talking glazed, cream-filled, you name it.

Don't you think that's just a tad inappropriate to have at a gym?  I'm not miffed because I want one and can't have it, because you know by now that I don't crave that kind of stuff anymore.  I just think that they could have done without such an unhealthy item at a health club.  However I am sure there are quite a few people there that WILL feel taunted.  It's like those jerks that eat a burger in front of the gym window just to sadistically laugh at those poor suffering people looking at it longingly.

Or maybe it's a test to see if these people can keep their will-power in order and NOT get a donut.  I must say that someone failed that test, because the tray wasn't exactly full.

All-around bad plan.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Bad Karma?

There are times when I think I must have robbed Trainer's lunch money from him in a past life, because I swear the man is trying to kill me.

Listen, buddy, just because I can manage to barely squeeze out the required amount of repetitions, it doesn't automatically mean I'm ready for more weight!  I guess the upside is that I can say that I am able to squat the weight of an anorexic supermodel now. 

A Revolution in Willpower....Sort Of

I have mentioned a few posts ago that I don't really miss a lot of junk food, and it's true.  There was a time my brain would jump around in my skull knowing there was a piece of chocolate on my desk, and I wouldn't waste much time taking care of it.  I'd stop in the chip aisle of a grocery store and it would be a crisis for me to decide which one thing I would choose.

Now I am amazed at how my desire for this stuff is non-existent.  Someone was handing out Hershey's Kisses today in honour of Valentine's Day, and I still have them sitting beside my computer.  I've even forgotten they were there!  I go to grocery stores and don't even bat an eye walking by the junk aisle.

The only thing I can't fight off is this:

I can skhoff these like no one's business.  I take some comfort in the fact that they're raw, no salt, no roasting, no preservatives, no nothing, they're a good fat, and really they're my only vice.  Still, I feel guilty and should really try to take it easy with them.

Anyway, this post was supposed to be how proud I am of myself for not tripping all over myself thinking about the chocolate on my desk right now, and I AM proud, dammit!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Yummy Tea Alert!

It's no secret that I love tea.  There are so many varieties, and it is much healthier than coffee.  I tend to stick to herbal teas now, and in looking to restock my stash at work, I have discovered this:

I must say that it's mighty tasty.  Still that's not even really why I'm enjoying it so much. The vanilla does really play into the flavour, but sitting here at my desk with the cup practically under my nose, I can really get a good whiff of it, and it's heavenly.

I usually take my tea with a sweetener (stevia) only, but if you have this with some milk and maybe a tea biscuit, it would be awesome.