Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A Revolution in Willpower....Sort Of

I have mentioned a few posts ago that I don't really miss a lot of junk food, and it's true.  There was a time my brain would jump around in my skull knowing there was a piece of chocolate on my desk, and I wouldn't waste much time taking care of it.  I'd stop in the chip aisle of a grocery store and it would be a crisis for me to decide which one thing I would choose.

Now I am amazed at how my desire for this stuff is non-existent.  Someone was handing out Hershey's Kisses today in honour of Valentine's Day, and I still have them sitting beside my computer.  I've even forgotten they were there!  I go to grocery stores and don't even bat an eye walking by the junk aisle.

The only thing I can't fight off is this:

I can skhoff these like no one's business.  I take some comfort in the fact that they're raw, no salt, no roasting, no preservatives, no nothing, they're a good fat, and really they're my only vice.  Still, I feel guilty and should really try to take it easy with them.

Anyway, this post was supposed to be how proud I am of myself for not tripping all over myself thinking about the chocolate on my desk right now, and I AM proud, dammit!

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