Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Getting Somewhere!

I usually have a weigh-in with Trainer weekly or every couple of weeks.  My last one was a couple of days ago, and I was 2 lbs and 2 % body fat away from my goals, give or take.  That's pretty darn close!

I attribute it to my current abstinence from almond over-indulgence.  It's been hard, I know, but the only way is to turn a blind eye to them completely.  I know that if I don't, I can't control myself.

Hey, if it's working, I can keep it up.  I almost bought some last night, rationalizing in my head that if I've done this well, I can afford to have them, but I always have them after my work-out, pretty much negating all the work I've done.

Until I can figure out a way to stop at a handful or two, I need to avoid them.

Now if I can get to full-body pull-ups without help or crying, I'll be getting somewhere!

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