Well, there isn't much to update you on, really. I'm still plugging away, doing my thing. The last couple of times I had a weigh-in, however, my body fat went up a few percent, and I'm not really sure why. I didn't do anything differently. Trainer says he's going to bring in his caliper set, and that's a more accurate way to check body fat percentage rather than a scale.
They have a few new toys at the gym, like a giant truck tire that Trainer already had me playing with. I had to flip it over up and down the studio, and let me tell you, it's really good for the legs. It's pretty similar to a squat, actually, but you're also using biceps and triceps to haul the thing off the floor. Trainer also gave me a metal bar and I had to whack the tire with it repeatedly. I thought I'd get more satisfaction out of that exercise after seeing other people doing it, but the bar was pretty heavy and I was concentrating more on not dropping it rather than getting my frustrations out! There were also a few new kettle balls around, but I haven't used them yet.
A little (kinda) sad news to pass along: the cute trainer I like to keep my eye on when I see him around has quit the gym. Oh well, everyone has to move on sometime, right? But it's always the cute ones.
Still haven't heard back about that contest. I asked Trainer a couple of weeks ago like I said I would and he said he hadn't heard back yet. I'm sure by now they've picked a winner, but Trainer hasn't mentioned anything, and I feel bad to ask again. Still, I think he would say something either way. I'll ask again.
I went to the optometrist last Tuesday to get my eyes checked again, and finally picked up a new pair of glasses this time. I also got the lenses in my sunglasses changed, since that prescription was even older than the glasses. I got the sunglasses back, but the glasses still aren't ready. Some places can make them in an hour; mine can't even do it in a week!
I ALSO picked up a nice little cold from someone that night, and up to now I still can't shake it completely, even though I've been loading up on Vitamin C and have made a pleasant discovery in Echinacea tea. My problem is I didn't rest enough to give myself strength to fight it off. I never take sick days, and being a Tuesday night when I got it, I had 3 more days of getting up early for work before I could really sleep it off. I threw in a few workouts in there too, and that probably didn't help, even if I didn't feel guilty later.
So that's it for now. I guess I had more to say than I thought, but I didn't feel like anything has stood out the past little while. I'll be back in a while.
They have a few new toys at the gym, like a giant truck tire that Trainer already had me playing with. I had to flip it over up and down the studio, and let me tell you, it's really good for the legs. It's pretty similar to a squat, actually, but you're also using biceps and triceps to haul the thing off the floor. Trainer also gave me a metal bar and I had to whack the tire with it repeatedly. I thought I'd get more satisfaction out of that exercise after seeing other people doing it, but the bar was pretty heavy and I was concentrating more on not dropping it rather than getting my frustrations out! There were also a few new kettle balls around, but I haven't used them yet.
A little (kinda) sad news to pass along: the cute trainer I like to keep my eye on when I see him around has quit the gym. Oh well, everyone has to move on sometime, right? But it's always the cute ones.
Still haven't heard back about that contest. I asked Trainer a couple of weeks ago like I said I would and he said he hadn't heard back yet. I'm sure by now they've picked a winner, but Trainer hasn't mentioned anything, and I feel bad to ask again. Still, I think he would say something either way. I'll ask again.
I went to the optometrist last Tuesday to get my eyes checked again, and finally picked up a new pair of glasses this time. I also got the lenses in my sunglasses changed, since that prescription was even older than the glasses. I got the sunglasses back, but the glasses still aren't ready. Some places can make them in an hour; mine can't even do it in a week!
I ALSO picked up a nice little cold from someone that night, and up to now I still can't shake it completely, even though I've been loading up on Vitamin C and have made a pleasant discovery in Echinacea tea. My problem is I didn't rest enough to give myself strength to fight it off. I never take sick days, and being a Tuesday night when I got it, I had 3 more days of getting up early for work before I could really sleep it off. I threw in a few workouts in there too, and that probably didn't help, even if I didn't feel guilty later.
So that's it for now. I guess I had more to say than I thought, but I didn't feel like anything has stood out the past little while. I'll be back in a while.
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