Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Planking was something I never really paid much attention to for most of my workout journey.  I hate doing them, and I never last very long, but with this latest program I've been throwing them in at the end of my workouts, trying to better my time.

My very best time was 7 minutes or so, with my arms propped up on a BOSU ball, and this was a long time ago.  I am still not sure how I did that, because now, even after all the work I've done since, my best with a plain ol' vanilla plank is about 4:16 (which I accomplished last night, thank you very much). 

I find using a favourite song to keep my mind occupied during the struggle really helps, and as I outlast each song, I pick a progressively longer one to master.

Of course, how long I can manage to keep myself propped up all depends on how I feel that day, how hard my workout was, and whether or not I've worked my shoulders, but I am happy that I am getting progressively better and hope to keep it up.

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