Saturday, 3 August 2013

Broken records everywhere!

Last night I put another 10 seconds onto my plank time, so now my longest plank is 5:10!  Soon I'll be able to replicate that BOSU plank after all!

More importantly, on Tuesday I hopped back on the stair-climber to see how quickly I could do 144 floors, since I am looking to sign back up for the CN Tower stair climb this year.  This time I did it in 18:23, which is awesome, if you don't take into account the fact that I stopped so often.  The machine pauses the time when you take a rest, so I am sure it was over twenty minutes total, but I AM glad to say that my stoppage  time was pretty short, I had more energy and actually ran up the steps quite a bit, and I felt terrific after. 

Trainer has always maintained that it's harder to climb the stair climber than the actual stairs, and I agree with him.  Plus, I believe there were maybe ten steps to a floor at the Tower compared to the fifteen on the machine, so I'm climbing a Tower and a half!  He's now saying he thinks I can do it under fifteen minutes, but I'll be glad if I can get it closer to twenty than I did last year.

So the training begins!

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